Thursday, June 15, 2006

We've had a couple of dodgy days with Rod recently. It's been hot and sticky and there's been the odd rumble of thunder at the end of the day - poor Rod hates thunder and lightning, and whilst Ballon Bear and the Pig are revelling in every clap of thunder and flash of lightning Rod is under the cushions on the sofa.

No matter what we do we can't make him come out - even the Pig can't pursuade him - and Rod usually does whatever the Pig says no matter how stupid.

The one thing he has taken to (not during storms of course) is sliding down the bannisters. Rod's just the right shape for it. Ballon Bear of course tries to get in on the act but being the wrong shape for bannister sliding he usually falls straight off and tumbles down the stairs in a most undignified manner.

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