Monday, February 14, 2011

What a weekend the Pig and Bear have just had.

They've been to Twickenham to see England play Italy in the six nations and then on to Leeds to see Leicester Tigers play Leeds.

It all started early on Saturday morning when they were driven down to London. This in itself was a treat for two reasons. First the very generous chap who was taking us all out for the day has a very nice Mercedes. The Pig and the Bear aren't really into cars (unless of course it's a big truck with tinted windows etc in the case of the Pig or a formula one car in the case of the Bear) but in this case they made an exception as the car had Tvs in the back of the seats for the passengers in the back to watch.

Sorry the photo of them watching TV is a bit blurry - the car was moving and they were wriggling quite a lot.

The next highlight was witnessing a bit of serious road rage on London's North Circular. We were driving along when we had to pull out to get past two cars rather badly pulled over in the inside lane - sniffing an "axibump" the Pig was on full alert. We didn't see any damage to the vehicles but we did see one fella punch the other - who quickly bounced off the floor to his feet to commence the fight back - as we disappeared off up the road we left them slugging it out.

Needless to say had we been going anywhere else other than Twickenham the Pig would have made much more of a fuss about either stopping or turning around to get a better view.

So on to better things - Twickenham where 15 fellas slug it out with 15 other fellas.

Here's the Pig outside the stadium.

Twickenham has to be their next favourite place after Welford Road (home of the Leicester Tigers). The Pig was particularly taken with the pre-match show involving abseiling marines, whilst Balloon was interested to see what would happen if one of the ropes broke.

Balloon of course had to be kept well under control. We don't let him drink beer for obvious reasons - but that doesn't stop him trying.

You can see how he had to be grabbed by both legs to stop him taking a swig!
So Pigs and Bears were finally got under control and England went on to achieve a fine victory over Italy (though the boys were upset that Italian prop Martin Castrogiovani who plays for Tigers got a yellow card for being naughty).
The following day their weekend was made complete with a trip to Leeds to see Tigers play Leeds in the league. This wasn't so much fun as it was absolutely persisting down with rain - and Pigs and Bears don't like getting wet, so they had to spend most of the game well trussed up in a ruck-sack. Even so you could still here them cheering Tigers on. Nice to know they do somethings without falling out.
Their stories about cars with TVs, road rage punch ups, Twickenham and Leeds certainly made Little Brown and Rodney very envious - but sadly not quite enough to encourage them to leave the house next time.

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